New Year, New goals, New Leaf…
Actually… don’t answer that. I’m trying to forget all that 2020 brought.
Moving on.
I did get some things done on a personal level that I plan to bring into this year. A new logo for modern little me, a new longarm, a few new skillsets… (I had a lot of time stuck inside my house to study new things online.)
And now I’m truly ready to embrace this new year. While one part of me (the biggest part) feels like we should all walk in slowly, don’t make a sound… the other part feels like I am ready to move on, turn the page and start fresh. Last year, I kept my goals simple and minimal (for me)… focusing on “doing more,” both for others and myself. My goals were intentionally set to be a better human. To make a difference in what felt like a very broken world. This year, my goals are much different. More specific and less… grandiose.
In 2021, I want to focus solely on who I am as a maker. As a creator.
Overall, I want to create more content than I consume. (Less scrolling, more posting and engaging.) I want to conscientiously curate the items I come into contact with on a daily basis… be it my wardrobe, my skincare products, or simply my coffee mug. I want to focus on curved piecing in my quilting, and color work in my knitting. Really, I just want to move everything forward a touch. I feel like I spent a couple of years moving backwards because life and kids had to come to the forefront (As they deserve) and then last year I stalled. This year, I’d really just like a little traction.
Let’s see how it goes, shall we?