Reflecting on 2018...

What a year 2018 was!!! For the first time in several years, I’m reflecting on my goals... and actually feeling like I knocked some of them out of the park. We have sold our house, moved to a new town, enrolled the boys in new schools. We have started a business, not failed at it, and are heading into 2019 with a full head of steam. I have worked on leaving the baggage behind, becoming brave, and overcoming my fear of the stomach bug. I have taken many classes, simplified my life (a little bit), and become a little bit more of the grown-up I’ve always wanted to be. I sewed. A lot. I took a vacation with the kids to North Carolina where we joined some friends and their kids. I stayed on task more often than not. I read 50 books. I even stayed *relatively* healthy (which is a joke since I am writing this in my pjs, on the couch, down for the count). And some days I even worked out, drank water and flossed. 


I’m calling 2018 a WIN. Here’s hoping that 2019 can match... 

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