My PurpOSE :

I’m on a mission to IGNITE A PASSion in others
to create, to craft, to make.

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Hey there!

I’m Christine.

I’m a modern maker who quilts, knits, crafts, and makes as a way to bring more mindfulness into my life and beauty into the world. I help others go from “I wish I could…” to “Look at what I made!!!” Most times, my students find that as they are making the “things” they are also making time and space in their life for themselves.


Podcast & Vlog


Yup, I vlog! It’s like a podcast, but where you get to SEE what I’m working on rather than just hearing my voice. And when I’m really motivated, I vlog live. You can find me over on YouTube where I share what I’m working on, crafty acquisitions, dream projects, and more.




Time is a finite resource. All of us feel we do not have enough time and absolutely cannot add another thing to our list. We are running on empty, overwhelmed, and burnt out.

What if I told you that be giving me some of that time you don’t have, I can “fill your tank,” reinvigorate you, and help you reconnect with yourself?



The “Wanna Make” LiST

Bucket list. Wish list. Dream list…

Whatever you want to call it, committing the thought, the wish, the want to paper is the first step. Sign up for my mailing list and get this free printable wishlist to print out, fill out, and hang up!


What people are saying

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